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가공되지 않은 쌀

Stardew Valley Wiki
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
가공되지 않은 쌀
Unmilled Rice.png
가장 순수한 형태의 쌀. 값을 높이려면 분쇄기를 통해 이것을 실행하십시오.
씨앗: Rice Shoot.png 쌀 새싹
성장 시간: 8 일 (관개지일 경우 6일)
3 기력
4 기력
5 기력
1 체력
1 체력
2 체력
기본 가격: 경작인경작인 전문직:
(+10 % 판매가격)
Unmilled Rice
Unmilled Rice
Unmilled Rice
Unmilled Rice
Unmilled Rice
Unmilled Rice
장인 생산품 판매가격
기본 가격: 장인장인 전문직:
(+40 % 판매가격)

가공되지 않은 쌀쌀 새싹에서 자라는 데 8일(물가에서는 6일)이 소요되는 야채 작물입니다. 가공되지 않은 쌀은 으로 수확할 수 있습니다.

주스피클을 만들 수 있고, 풍차에 넣으면 가공되지 않은 쌀 1개당 1개의 이 생산됩니다. 다음날 아침 풍차 오른쪽의 상자에 쌀이 생성됩니다.


수확할 때, 쌀 새싹 하나당 가공되지 않은 쌀 1개가 나오며, 10%의 확률로 추가로 생산될 수도 있습니다.

심은 토양 종류 단계 1 단계 2 단계 3 단계 4 수확
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 5.png
비 관개지 1 일 2 일 2 일 3 일 총: 8 일
관개지 1 일 1 일 1 일 3 일 총: 6 일

작물 성장 달력

관개지가 아닌 기본
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
관개지인 기본
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
농업 전문가와 성장 촉진제 비교 – 미 관개지
Speed-Gro.png 성장 촉진제 Deluxe Speed-Gro.png 디럭스 성장 촉진제
10%* 미 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
25% 미 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
*10% 표는 어떤 비료도 없이 농업 전문가만 적용될 때와 같습니다.
Agriculturist.png 농업 전문가
20% 미 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
35% 미 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
농업 전문가와 성장 촉진제 비교 - 관개지
Speed-Gro.png 성장 촉진제 Deluxe Speed-Gro.png 디럭스 성장 촉진제
10%* 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
25% 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
*10% 표는 어떤 비료도 없이 농업 전문가만 적용될 때와 같습니다.
Agriculturist.png 농업 전문가
20% 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
35% 관개지
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png


마을 주민 반응


이 아이템은 어떤 꾸러미에도 사용되지 않습니다


사진 이름 설명 재료 필요 설비 소요시간 판매가격
야채와 자주 함께 먹는 기본적인 곡물. Unmilled Rice.png 가공되지 않은 쌀 (1)
다음날 아침 완료 Gold.png100골드


가공되지 않은 쌀은 재봉틀에 사용해서 셔츠와 벨트를 만들 수 있습니다. Shirt159.png



  • 만약 피에르네 구매한 쌀 새싹을 심으면, 금별 품질만 수익이 남습니다. 경작인 직업이 있으면, 은별 품질은 Gold.png1골드의 수익이 납니다. 풍차에서 로 만들거나 절임통으로 피클을 만드는 경우 모두 수익이 납니다.
  • 관개지 칸에 있는 쌀을 수확하면 칸에 물이 있는 그대로 남습니다. 아무거나 이곳에 심으면 당일에는 물을 주지 않아도 됩니다.


  • 1.4: 추가됨.
  • 1.4.2: 보편적으로 싫어하는 선물로 변경됩니다.